Average net monthly salary - Romania
10% earn less lthan 4,340 RON
10% earns more than 11,532 RON
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Description of the job position

  • Checking the administration and updating of the register of healthcare providers (HCP).
  • Checking the completeness and veracity of contracts concluded with HCP.
  • Taking part in the implementation of consultation procedures regarding the contractual terms.
  • Processing the accepted comments regarding the contractual terms and ensuring their incorporation into contractual relations.
  • Cooperating in the preparation of proposals for the company’s health programmes.
  • Assessing material and technical equipment regarding the contractual terms of HCP in relation to their payment.
  • Working with analyses and creating secondary analyses in the area of price conditions as set out in the contracts with HCP on the basis of the company’s requests and needs.
  • Preparing statistical overviews of the impact of price adjustments of the terms for HCP on the company’s budget.
  • Issuing opinions and processing requests addressed to the Healthcare Surveillance Authority, the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and other institutions, if their request is factually appropriate for the department.

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The most common career path of an employee

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Position Health Care Purchasing Specialist - Insurance in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

Women representation in position

Average age of respondent by position

715. place

Data Entry Operator


Salary group 1

4,050 - 5,907 RON

297. place

Relationship Manager


Salary group 2

4,296 - 10,024 RON

296. place

Health Care Purchasing Specialist


Salary group 2

4,340 - 11,532 RON

295. place

Maintenance Engineer

Car Industry

Salary group 2

4,050 - 11,868 RON

1. place

Animal Care Worker

Agriculture, Food Industry

Salary group 3

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Salary report for the company

121.77 EUR*

* incl. VAT / 99.00 EUR excl. VAT


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  • Salary on position by region*, education, practice, business size
  • Total salary and its components* (variable component, commissions, rewards)
  • Responder distribution to payroll
  • Salary ranges expressed by 1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile, and average wage.
  • Detailed breakdown of all monitored non-financial benefits provided*
  • Financial benefit analysis*
  • * available when regression model is used