

Auto Repair Shop Manager

Average net monthly salary - Romania
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80% of people earn:
4,050 - 10,405 RON
10% earn less lthan 4,050 RON
10% earns more than 10,405 RON

Salaries in the survey are expressed in gross.

Based on the Paylab.ro salary survey, 80% of people on the Auto Repair Shop Manager position in the Romania earn between 4,050 RON and 10,405 RON monthly net.

10% of employees earn less than 4,050 RON and 10% of people earn more than 10,405 RON.

The survey is based on data from employees, cleaned of extreme and duplicate values.

Description of the job position

  • Planning the receipt and organising of the repair processes with respect to the efficient use of personnel, means of production and material.
  • Managing, coordinating and motivating employees.
  • Assigning tasks to employees and monitoring their fulfilment.
  • Recording and evaluating the time worked and workers' performance.
  • Assisting in diagnosing the complex defects and determining the repair procedures.
  • Handling complaints and claims from customers.

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Position Auto Repair Shop Manager - Management in the labour market

In the salary ranking,
the job position takes

314. place

Women representation in position


Average age of respondent by position


762. place

Data Entry Operator


Salary group 1

4,050 - 5,907 RON

315. place

IT/Technical Support Specialist

Information Technology

Salary group 2

4,050 - 9,958 RON

314. place

Auto Repair Shop Manager


Salary group 2

4,050 - 10,405 RON

313. place

Private Banker


Salary group 2

4,050 - 11,807 RON

1. place

Chief Executive Officer

Top Management

Salary group 3

7,205 - 36,655 RON

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